The recreation of romantic memories of olden times is not so easy. But Laljose and crew was very optimistic about their new venture 'Neelathamara'. The movie featuring fresh faces is a brilliant adaptation of romantic film of 1979 with the same name itself. The older movie was penned by the literary face of malayalam, M T vasudevan Nair and directed by Yusafali Kecheri. Once again he has recreated the magic with his script. The expectations were sky high as it is the first remaking attempt in malayalam. So its almost a nostalgia that malayalees across the world share when it come to know about the remaking of neelathamara.
The movie follows a Non-Linear narration and M T sir handled it with consummate ease. The original movie revolved round the happenings of six months. But for the remake the film begins in 2009, turns to the happenings of 1979 before coming back to the present for an epilogue. That’s why i mentioned about a Non-Linear narration which is not so common. The title role of 'Kunjimalu' who is the protagonist in this film is portrayed by the fresh face Archana Kavi, a well known VJ. She portrayed the role brilliantly and promises to be a future prospect. Also the male roles are enacted by new comers. Kailash does the role of Haridas, earlier enacted by ravikumar while Ambika's brother suresh is essaying the role of Appukuttan, earlier played by Sathar. Also Rima kallingal and Samvritha Suresh did justice to thier roles too. The main attraction of the movie is the script itself. Another master touch from M T's pazhashi Raja is creating waves in kerala theatres. Before its waves are set down, another script from the master writer is creating an impact among serious film lovers. Its a women centric subject and the three female characters in 'Neelathamara' offer an excellent study in contrast. Kailash played a hot blooded, flirtatious youngster of the 70's and he did well too.
Now coming to the technical aspects of the movie, a big round of applause for Lal jose. He brilliantly adapted this age old story to the new screen, efficiently trimming off the frayed ends, and working up a brilliant visualization which makes him a master director that he is. 'Neelathamara' is an absolute symbol of faith in the film that blooms when Kunjimaalu(Archana) prays before the thevar, signifies more than just an optimism of the house maid and only M T sir could come up with such an idea, Hats off. Vijay ulaganath has successfully created moving frames with an authentic look. His cinematography was rich and expressive. Music director, Vidyasagar deserves a special mention too. The song 'Anuraga.....' tuned by him got received well and malayalees ringing back the same song as thier ring tones.
This film is noted for its inherent innocence and goodness more than its technical aspects. The movie was restructured to suit the tastes of present day audience with a fresh bunch of cast. But i was actually surprised to see comments and ‘boos’ for a movie like this. These people dont deserve good movies. The movie doest drag, its simple, poetic and good. Undoubtedly one of the best movies of the year and it proves to be a worthwhile experiment from Laljose and crew, that too with a specially handpicked fresh team. This film is a must watch for all connoisseurs of films.
VERDICT : 8/10