Scent of a women(1992) is a comedy drama you will never forget.The film's central theme is of two people who are worlds apart in lifestyle,age and understanding of the issues of life coming together and learning from each other.It is studded by characters and situations arguably unparalleled in the history of movie making.storyline in the movie takes a side line and situations and characters take over.
Al pacino plays a retired army lieutenant.He loses his eye sight in an accident for which he is responsible himself.And being an upright man all his life he finds it rather difficult to face life which is not on his terms.He plays a weekend filled with enjoyment and decides to take his life or in his own words "Blow his brains Out".Since he is blind and needs assistance,his niece hires a college kid.while this boy (played by chris O'donnel) thinks that he is supposed to take care of the colonel at home,he is in a rude shock when he is flown to newyork.The interaction between these two characters-one who has almost lived his life and the other who is just about going to start his life- is narrated wonderfully.Al pacino flies to new york first class,puts up in a five star hotel,dines at expensive restaurants,tangoes with beautiful women,has sex with another pretty lady and is all set to kill himself.Chris O'donnel feels morally obligated and not let him do so and he tries to stop him. He reminds him of his other passion-racing a ferrari and takes him to do just that. Those shots clearly depicts the acting skills of the master himself Al pacino. Al pacino as the blind officer delivers a fantastic perfomance and Chris O'donell matches him an eye for an eye.
We see a genuine love and respect develop between the colonel and the student. slade goes to baire for charlie when he gets in to trouble at the university when he gets in trouble at the university,and brings the whole house down in an unforgettable perfomance defending Chalie's(chris O'donnel) rights.In turn charlie leanrs to be a man and teaches slade( Al pacino) to remember that HE is still a man and has a life still worth living.I love the symmetry in each man showing the other how to live and love.
If you have not seen this movie yet, you are missing it BIG TIME. Al pacino got oscar for his mindblowing perfomance in this movie.It is truly a tender,dramatic and at times comedy story that is worth having in your film library.
true man...super review